Did you know that one Sherlockian scholar, Chris Redmond, states that BOSC “may plausibly claim to be the perfect Sherlock Holmes story, of offering everything readers have come to love, from a railway journey to a scene in which Holmes throws himself into the mud to look at clues through his lens. Once the mystery is solved and the innocent man cleared, to the discomfiture of Lestrade, Holmes arranges for the guilty man to go free, in view of extenuating |
circumstances.” Imagine, I had been reading “the
perfect Sherlock Holmes story!”By the time I had reached this point in my
serendipitous adventure, my table was laden with books, books of
Sherlockiana, mystery books, reference books of all kinds, atlases, an
encyclopedia, a dictionary, Julian Wolff s geographical material, and more. I
had been to Herefordshire, to London, to Bohemia, to the rue Morgue with
Dupin, to Ireland Island in the Caribbean, to Gaboriau’s France, to the
Jutland area of Germany. I had been transported by railroads, ships, carts,
and carriages. I had examined the Paget illustration which for the very first
time showed Holmes in a deerstalker. I had had a ball. |
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