by Irving Kamil
(Mr. Kamil is a member of the Baker
Street Irregulars (M.Oscar Meunier of Grenoble), and a founder of the scion
Mrs.Hudson's Cliffdwellers, which he headed for 21 years until turning it
over to younger hands two years ago.)

of the aspects of being a Sherlockian that gives me extreme pleasure is
Sherlockian serendipitous adventures.For those unfamiliar with the Persian
fairy tale entitled
The Three Princes of Serendip, serendipity is the faculty of finding
valuable or agreeable
things not sought for. For example, you are in an unfamiliar town and you set
out looking for
a place for lunch, and by accident, remarkably, you come upon this marvelous
bookstore just
loaded with first editions of the canon, most of which are presentation
copies signed by the
so-called literary agent to Queen Victoria, or to King Edward the Seventh, or
to King
George the Fifth. That’s exactly what happened to the three princes of
Serendip They were
constantly finding, by accident, not bookstores, perhaps, but other wondrous
things which
they found valuable or agreeable.
And that’s serendipity. I have these
Sherlockian serendipitous adventures all the time. For
example, while riding on the subway one day, it occurred to me that I really
didn’t know
much about the House of Ormstein, family of the hereditary kings of Bohemia,
you know,

fellow in the mask who visited the Master in SCAN.
So when I arrived home, I opened my
Oxford edition of the Adventures, turned to the case, and
read not only the passages related to the Grand Duke of Cassel-Felstein, but
the excellent notes at
the back of the volume. Those led me to my world atlas to locate such sites
as Schleswig-Holstein, Feldkirch, and the town of Carlstein in Bohemia.
Like a scavenger hunt, I was then sent
to my world almanac, my computer’s encyclopedia program,
and, inevitably, to Baring-Gould’s Annotated Sherlock Holmes and De
Waal’s bibliography. By this
time, my desk was piled high with books, and I had spent a most fascinating
two hours, discovering
sorts of remarkable information, useful, I’m afraid only on a very
specialized category of Jeopardy. But I was happy, and not the least
bit tired, despite my round-the-world adventure.
When my lovely wife, Selma, who had
been busy in the kitchen all this time, signaled that it was time for dinner,
I sighed, sorry to have to end another Sherlockian serendipitous adventure,
sorry to have to leave middle Europe, sorry to leave 1895, but eager to
report to her on my travels, on the history of the Hapsburg dynasty, on the
tradition of electing the kings of Bohemia, which practice ended in 1657, and
on the possible sources for all those exotic names used in “Scandal,” the
first of Watson’s short reports.
You get the picture?
you mustn’t think that such adventures are nonproductive. Hardly. Many of
mine have resulted in articles for the

Street Journal or other scholarly periodicals. For example, a thorough
investigation of
my invested name, Monsieur Oscar Meunier of Grenoble, resulted in my spending
the better
part of a week in the several libraries of Columbia University, ending up in
the art library,
where I discovered that my invested title was a pseudonym for Auguste Rodin
and that it was
really that great sculptor who had prepared the bust in wax at which Colonel
Moran aimed his
Herter air rifle. This discovery was published in the Journal, adding whipped
cream and a cherry to what had been a fabulous adventure.
Other serendipitous meanderings have
resulted in the creation of scion societies in places
where they were sorely missing, such as the Asian Travelers, which Selma and
I formed on
the Great Wall of China, or the Penguins of Antarctica, which we organized
amid the
of waddling penguins and towering icebergs of the Antarctic Peninsula.
Recently, I had a Sherlockian
serendipitous adventure, believe it or not, that was generated by this very
cruise we are now on. It was a remarkable experience, believe me. And so I
thought I would share it with you, taking you with me from place to place,
revealing the wonders I came upon by sheer accident. Perhaps by so doing I
may stimulate you to experiment yourselves and engage in your own adventures
in serendipity.