THE STRANGE LIFE AND DEATH OF JACK TRACY Prologue At a regular meeting on October 3, 2013 the Hansom Wheels of Columbia, SC (A scion society of The Baker Street Irregulars) was privileged to hear Phil Dematteis relate the story of this very unusual, complicated and erratic individual. This is likely the most comprehensive account of this person’s life and death yet published and it is a most interesting mystery story to boot. Most Sherlockians know of Jack Tracy’s book, the Encyclopaedia Sherlockiana. If Tracy had written or done nothing else he would have an honored place in the Sherlockian world, but unfortunately for him he got up to quite a bit more during his short 51-year life, and Phil’s paper is published in its entirety here. We are grateful to Phil for all his hard work in digging up the material that went into this paper, which was not easy considering the dearth of information available about this person and these events. He is shown here presenting his paper along with a few members of the attentive audience: |
Click below to begin the fascinating true story of this dysfunctional genius