The Hansom Wheels Strolling Troubadour (AKA Jim Welch), provided an interlude of Christmas music after dinner, ably assisted in one number by Jo Bradford… |
… after which drawings were held for door prizes. Tim Robinson receives one, delivered by Robert Cranford on the right, while Kathy Newman and Jo Bradford look on and his father Bob Robinson appears miffed by his failure to receive one. (Your web host begs to report that he was the victim of a cruel hoax during this drawing. He was the winner of the very first prize, and when he unwrapped it he found a box of Godiva Chocolates. Trembling with anticipation, he opened the box and to his great consternation there was a book inside instead of chocolates! Ordinarily a dignified and upright person, he must confess for the good of his soul that he let a mild profanity escape his lips. He sincerely apologizes to anyone who may have been within earshot.) |